How You Can Help


Help us promote awareness of Civil Liberties and Human Rights in Alberta! Support the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre with your donation!

For more information, contact us
f: (403) 284-0945

The Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre is a non-profit organization and a registered charity
(Reg. #11878 0568 RR0001).

Donation Categories:

  • Friend $20

  • Dear Friend $50

  • Dear Dear Friend $100

  • Benefactor $250

  • Patron $500

  • Other

(All donations acknowledged with tax receipt. Reg. #11878 0568 RR0001)

(Note: All donors and volunteers receive a complimentary subscription to Centrepiece.)
Please send your cheque to:
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
University of Calgary,
2500 University Dr NW
Room 2350, Murray Fraser Hall,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4


Donate online with your credit card at Canada Helps



(e.g. Friend)