Perspectives are changing all around the world and individuals are becoming more conscious of the role that the environment plays and the importance of it. The human right to a clean and healthy environment has been incorporated into laws and constitutions in many countries around the world, specifically India, Ecuador, Bolivia and New Zealand. The right to a clean and healthy environment is interconnected with the Charter: specifically, the right to life, liberty and security under Charter s 7. Protecting the right to a healthy environment will protect individuals from illness, enable access to basic needs and indirectly protect the environment. Every individual should have the right to live free from pollution and toxins.

Many countries including Bolivia, Ecuador, India, and New Zealand have also recognized the Rights of Nature, these rights mean that oceans, trees, mountains, ecosystems and lakes are granted legal standing, have their own rights and own themselves instead of being treated like property. The environment should not be bought, sold or used for commercial use; if the environment needs to be utilized, limits should be placed on it. The Rights of Nature recognizes that the environment should have the same legal rights as a human being and be treated as an equal; one should not be above the other. Recognizing that nature should be a rights holder will protect and preserve the environment, making it last longer for our generation and future ones. Even though Canada does not recognize the right to a clean and healthy environment or the Rights of Nature, there are many ways these laws can be incorporated into the legal system. More countries around the world and changing their views and moving towards recognizing these environmental rights.